> freeorbwatch
Free Java & C++ ORBs
This page only lists a few selected free ORBs (must be free at least
for non-commercial use), but tries to be specific about the supported
features. For a plain list of ORBs please see Open
Directory: Computers: Programming: Component Frameworks: CORBA: Object
Request Brokers. Also have a look at my ORB news and announcements page.
ILU - Inter Language Unification
| author | | PARC Xerox |
| stable version | | N/A |
| development version | | 2.0-beta 1, ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/ilu/ilu.html |
| license | | free |
| language bindings | | C, C++, Java, Lisp, Perl, Python, Scheme |
| CORBA version | | 2.0 (no Interface Repository) |
| protocols | | IIOP/GIOP 1.0, HTTP, HTTP-NG, ONC RPC |
| CORBA services | | (Interoperable) Naming |
| multithreaded | | thread-per-connection |
| mailing list | | see ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/ilu/ilu.html#mailinglists |
| author | | Gerald Brose et al. |
| stable version | | 2.3.0, http://www.jacorb.org |
| license | | LGPL |
| language bindings | | Java |
| CORBA version | | 2.3 |
| protocols | | IIOP/GIOP, GIOP over SSL, HTTP tunneling |
| CORBA services | | Collection, Concurrency, (untyped) Event, (Interoperable) Naming, Notification, Trading, Transaction |
| multithreaded | | thread-pool |
| mailing list | | jacorb-announce, jacorb-developer |
| author | | Kay Römer, Arno Puder, Frank Pilhofer et al. |
| stable version | | 2.3.12, http://www.mico.org |
| development version | | MicoCCM (CORBA Component Model) |
| license | | LGPL/GPL |
| language bindings | | C++ |
| CORBA version | | 2.4 |
| protocols | | IIOP/GIOP, GIOP over SSL, GIOP over unix domain sockets |
| CORBA services | | (untyped) Event, Implementation Repository, Naming, Property, Relationship, Security, Streaming, Time, Trading |
| multithreaded | | reactive, thread-per-connection, thread-pool |
| mailing list | | see http://www.mico.org/FrameDescription.html#maillist |
| author | | ExoLab Group and the OpenORB Community |
| stable version | | 1.4.0, http://sourceforge.net/projects/openorb/ |
| license | | BSD-like license |
| language bindings | | Java |
| CORBA version | | 2.4.2 |
| protocols | | IIOP/GIOP 1.2, bi-directional GIOP, GIOP over SSL |
| CORBA services | | Concurrency, Event, (Interoperable) Naming, Notification, Persistent State, Property, Time, Trader, Transaction |
| multithreaded | | thread-pool |
| mailing list | | see openorb-announce, openorb-dev, openorb-general |
| author | | Dick Porter, Elliot Lee et al. |
| stable version | | 2.9.0, http://www.gnome.org/projects/ORBit2/ |
| license | | GPL |
| language bindings | | C, (Ada, C++, Clean, Eiffel, Haskell, JavaScript, JOCaml, Lisp, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl, VisualBasic) |
| CORBA version | | 2.2 |
| protocols | | IIOP/GIOP, GIOP over unix domain sockets |
| CORBA services | | (untyped) Event, Naming |
| multithreaded | | single threaded |
| mailing list | | see http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orbit-list |
| author | | Doug Schmidt et al. |
| stable version | | 1.6 (http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html), 1.5a (http://www.theaceorb.com) |
| development version | | http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html |
| license | | free |
| language bindings | | C++ |
| CORBA version | | 2.4 (limited OBV support) |
| protocols | | IIOP/GIOP 1.2, pluggable protocols framework: GIOP over unix domain sockets, GIOP over SSL, GIOP over shared memory, GIOP over UDP |
| CORBA services | | A/V Streaming, (untyped) Event, Lifecycle, (Interoperable) Naming, Notification, Property, Security, Time, Trading |
| additional services | | Real-time Event, Scheduling, Load Balancing |
| multithreaded | | reactive, thread-per-connection, thread-pool (see Configuring TAO's Components) |
| mailing list | | see http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/TAO-mail.html |
| newsgroup | | news:comp.soft-sys.ace |
Recommended Books
If you are looking for good books about CORBA let me recommend these
books (although they are neither free nor Open Content):
- Michi Henning and Steve Vinoski. Advanced CORBA Programming
with C++. Addison-Wesley, 1999, ISBN 0-201-37927-9
(@ amazon.de, @ amazon.com)
- G. Brose, A. Vogel, K. Duddy. Java Programming with CORBA.
Wiley&Sons, third edition, 2001, ISBN 0-471-37681-7
(@ amazon.de, @ amazon.com)