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Wed Aug 24 22:50:57 2005 GMT: Where is all the RAM?

Wed Aug 24 19:57:14 2005 GMT: Google Talk

Sat Aug 13 18:38:40 2005 GMT: Upgrading to Hoary Hedgehog

I have finally upgraded my Linux machine at home from Debian woody to Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog. As this machine is already quite old, I haven't installed a GNOME/Nautilus desktop, but I have decided to switch to XFCE4 (and keeping fvwm as the window manager, of course).

Tue Aug 09 18:16:19 2005 GMT: One More Reason to Ignore Google

Seems to be a pretty bad week for Google: According to Elinor Mills, Google doesn't like it if you raise privacy issues about their search engine (also see Google gets 'googled,' and annoyed). Now Yahoo has announced that it features the biggest search engine index with nearly 20 billion Web documents.

I am wondering when we can expect an update from number three in the search engine market...

Mon Aug 08 19:17:15 2005 GMT: Concurrent Access To SQLite Database

One of the weak points of SQLite is when multiple threads or processes are trying to access the same database. While SQLite ensures that the database isn't corrupted, the behaviour most likely isn't desirable, because SQLite only uses a very simplistic way of locking. Essentially, it uses polling when waiting for a lock (which might lead to starvation and consequently to SQLite BusyErrors). The SQLite developers are blaming the brokenness of POSIX file locking in multi-threaded programs.

To work around this limitation, I have enclosed database accesses in a mutex in JabRSS (where multiple threads try to access the same database), and I am using POSIX file locking in WebRSS (where multiple processes might try to access the same database). At least I get the desired behaviour with some additional coding.

Sun Aug 07 08:29:41 2005 GMT: Solaris Internals

If you are interested in Solaris internals, there are a few blogs on worth reading: Joe Bonasera, Jim Mauro, Rod Evans, Richard McDougall and Tim Marsland.

Particularly interesting is this Solaris on Xen progress report.

Tue Aug 02 19:54:03 2005 GMT: Atom 1.0

Now that the Atom publishing format is approaching version 1.0, I have added some support for Atom 1.0 in WebRSS and JabRSS.

Sun Jul 31 15:29:04 2005 GMT: Anti-Virus Software Flaws

Wed Jul 13 19:15:04 2005 GMT: Mail System Changes at

Tue Jul 12 19:14:31 2005 GMT: Domain Grabbers

Thu Jun 30 17:01:09 2005 GMT: Alpha Processor Comeback?

Tue Jun 28 19:43:53 2005 GMT: Testdriving 16x 1.5 GHz Itanium

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Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:19:55 2018
Christof Meerwald <>