Christof Meerwald@freec++.prog

> prog
>> freecpp
>>> defarg scope

translate to German (by SYSTRAN)

Default Argument Scope

See 3.3.6 Class scope and 8.3.6 Default arguments of the C++ standard.

> defarg_scope.cpp:

struct A
  struct B
    static int f(int i);

    static int g(int i = c)
      return 3 * i;

  static const int c = 3;

int A::B::f(int i = c)
  return 2 * i;

int h(int i = 3) {
  return 4 * i;
int h(int i);

int a() {
  int h(int i = 5);

  return h();

int b() {
  return h();

int main()
  int h(int i = 6);

  return !((A::B::f() == 6) && (A::B::g() == 9) &&
	   (a() == 20) && (b() == 12) && (h() == 24));

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Revision: 1.2, cmeerw.org/prog/freecpp/defarg_scope.html
Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:20:50 2018
Christof Meerwald <cmeerw@cmeerw.org>
XMPP: cmeerw@cmeerw.org