Christof Meerwald@freec++.prog | |||||
For Statement Conditionint Ac = 0, Ad = 0; struct A { A( bool b ) : b ( b ) { Ac++; } operator bool() { return b; } ~A() { Ad++; } bool b; }; int main() { for (int i = 0; A a = (i < 2); i++) { if (Ac != (Ad + 1)) return 1; if(i >= 2) { return 1; } } if (!(Ac == 3 && Ad == 3)) return 1; int a = 0; return 0; } | |||||
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Revision: 1.2, Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:20:50 2018 |
Christof Meerwald <> XMPP: |