Christof | ||||
Master's Thesis: CORBA-based Conservative Distributed Discrete Event SimulationOverview
AbstractThis work introduces the general concepts of distributed discrete event simulation and the problems inherent with it. Two conservative synchronisation protocols for efficient synchronisation of distributed simulation sub-models are developed: a window-based and an appointment-based algorithm. Both algorithms are implemented in Java on top of a sequential process-oriented simulation package. Communication between distributed workstations is realised with using a CORBA compliant ORB. The consequences of using CORBA for high-performance asynchronous communication are discussed by taking a look at the IIOP protocol level. The presented synchronisation algorithms are evaluated with two simulation examples: a personal communication system and a city traffic simulation which basically represents a queueing network. The performance results of the algorithms are compared to each other and to an equivalent sequential simulation implementation. Finally, some issues with using Java for high-performance computing are discussed. The performance of Sun's Hotspot just-in-time compiler is compared to the GNU project's native Java compiler and Java's threading model is being looked at. BibTeX Entry
@MASTERSTHESIS{CMeerwald01, Downloads
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Revision: 1.35, Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:20:50 2018 |
Christof Meerwald <> XMPP: |