Jakob-Haringer Straße 2
5020 Salzburg
November 1999
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Dieses Dokument beschreibt die CORBA-spezifischen Funktionalitäten, die bei der Realisierung meines Projektpraktikums zum Einsatz kamen. Für das Verständnis dieses Dokuments sind grundlegende CORBA-Kenntnisse notwendig. Einen umfassenden, aber auch ins Detail gehenden Überblick bietet Advanced CORBA Programming with C++ ([15])
[1] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: Programming Asynchronous Method Invocations with CORBA Messaging. C++ Report, February 1999, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[2] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: An Introduction to CORBA Messaging. C++ Report, November 1998, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[3] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: C++ Servant Managers for the Portable Object Adapter. C++ Report, September 1998, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[4] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: Developing C++ Servant Classes Using the Portable Object Adapter. C++ Report, June 1998, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[5] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: Using the Portable Object Adapter for Transient and Persistent CORBA Objects. C++ Report, April 1998, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[6] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: Object Adapters: Concepts and Terminology. C++ Report, October 1997, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[7] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: The OMG Events Service. C++ Report, February 1997, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[8] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: Distributed Callbacks and Decoupled Communication in CORBA. C++ Report, October 1996, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[9] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: Comparing Alternative Programming Techniques for Multi-threaded CORBA Servers. C++ Report, July/August 1996, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[10] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: Comparing Alternative Programming Techniques for Multi-threaded CORBA Servers: Thread Pool. C++ Report, April 1996, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[11] Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski, Object Interconnections: Comparing Alternative Programming Techniques for Multi-threaded CORBA Servers. C++ Report, February 1996, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[12] Steve Vinoski, New Features for CORBA 3.0. October 1998, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[13] Steve Vinoski, CORBA: Integrating Diverse Applications Within Distributed Heterogeneous Environments. February 1997, http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
[14] Jon Siegel, What's Coming in CORBA 3. OMG in Motion, June 1999, http://www.omg.org/news/
[15] Michi Henning and Steve Vinoski, Advanced CORBA Programming with C++, 1999, Addison-Wesley, 0-201-37927-9.
[17] Object Management Group, Event Service. December 1997, OMG TC Document formal/97-12-11
[18] Object Management Group, Notification Service. January 1998, OMG TC Document telecom/98-01-01
[19] Object Management Group, CORBA Messaging. May 1998, OMG TC Document orbos/98-05-05
[20] Object Management Group, CORBA/FirewallSecurity. May 1998, OMG TC Document orbos/98-05-04
[21] Object Management Group, minimumCORBA. August 1998, OMG TC Document orbos/98-08-04
[22] Object Management Group, C++ Language Mapping. June 1999, OMG TC Document formal/99-07-45
[23] Object Management Group, Interoperable Name Service. September 1999, OMG TC Document ptc/99-09-01
[24] Object Management Group, The Common Object Request Broker: Architectur and Specification: Revision 2.3.1. October 1999, OMG TC Document formal/99-10-07
[25] AT&T Laboratories Cambridge, omniORB. http://www.uk.research.att.com/omniORB/omniORB.html
[26] Object Oriented Concepts, ORBacus. http://www.ooc.com/ob/
[27] Gerald Brose, JacORB. http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/~brose/jacorb/
[28] Python. http://www.python.org
[29] Fnorb. http://www.dstc.edu.au/Fnorb/
[30] Netscape Communications Corporation, Introduction to Capabilities Classes. August 1997, http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/signedobj/capabilities/
[31] Securing Java. 1999, http://www.securingjava.com/appdx-c/appdx-c-1.html
[32] Jörn Heid, Offene Gesellschaft: Applets signieren. iX, November 1999
[33] Christof Meerwald, omniORB-Patch für Thread-per-Request. November 1999, http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~cmeer/study/projprakt/
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