Christof Meerwald@instdb.htl.work

> work
>> htl
>>> instdb

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Installation Database

For keeping track of software and configuration installations I have implemented a database (I'm currently using PostgreSQL 7.0). Every time a software package is installed, the installation script generates an e-mail message with the relevant information which is then semi-automatically stored in the database.

Some PHP-Scripts on my Web-site access the database and publish the information in an easily readable format (HTML tables).

Database Model

This SQL-script (instdb.sql) generates the database schema. It might look a bit complicated on first sight, but it keeps redundancy to a minimum.

Sorry, no Entity/Relationship diagrams yet... :-(


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Revision: 1.2, cmeerw.org/work/htl/instdb.html
Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:20:50 2018
Christof Meerwald <cmeerw@cmeerw.org>
XMPP: cmeerw@cmeerw.org