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Mon May 31 20:17:57 2004 GMT: PowerDNS Recursor

Mon May 31 20:14:25 2004 GMT: OpenVPN 2.0 beta2

Sun May 30 14:50:56 2004 GMT: RIP and RDNS Plugins for downtime

I have implemented RIP (routing information protocol) and RDNS (recursive DNS) plugins for downtime.

Sun May 23 11:27:41 2004 GMT: Subversion 1.0.4

I have updated to Subversion 1.0.4 fixing an important buffer overflow.

Fri May 21 19:23:45 2004 GMT: Relocation Complete

Today has been successfully moved to a new server in a new data centre.

Thu May 20 21:41:58 2004 GMT: Relocation

VD-Server has informed me that my virtual server will be moved to a new location (and a new server) in the next few days. The main reason are network outages in the last few month in the data center where the server is currently hosted.

I hope the downtime of the services hosted can be kept to a minimum (maybe one hour in total).

Thu May 20 21:22:17 2004 GMT: neon 0.24.6

My Debian woody backport of neon 0.24.6 is available from my Debian packages page. Please note that this version fixes a recently discovered buffer overflow.

Sun May 16 13:43:54 2004 GMT: AMD64 Progress

Sun May 16 13:31:22 2004 GMT: gaim 0.77

Sun May 16 13:30:12 2004 GMT: exim 4.34

Sun May 09 18:00:36 2004 GMT: RBL Plugin for downtime

Sun May 09 14:36:07 2004 GMT: Wifi VPN Router

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Revision: 1.14,
Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:19:55 2018
Christof Meerwald <>