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Sun Oct 16 20:01:07 2005 GMT: Linux Kongress 2005

Wed Sep 28 20:14:49 2005 GMT: The OrbZone

Tue Sep 27 21:08:33 2005 GMT: Simple SIP Forwarder

I have just written a simple SIP forwarder, because having a SIP address with your own domain is much cooler than just using one of the well-known SIP registrars.

Technically, this is a stateless SIP proxy using a SQLite database for storing the forwarding rules.

Currently, I have set it up to forward to my account.

Tue Sep 20 19:56:45 2005 GMT: GSA

Remember the Google Web Accelerator? I guess it's safe to call it a complete failure, but they have now come up with a new way to trick you into routing all your internet traffic via Google's servers: Google Secure Access. Do I have to mention that they are only offering a closed-source Windows-only client and, of course, don't tell you anything about the protocol.

Hmm, I wonder why Google isn't able to come up with something more innovative. They have been leading the search engine market for some time (and have earned loads of money with their advertising service), but their GMail service isn't particularly great, Google Web Accelerator was a complete failure and Google Talk is hardly the killer application the world has been waiting for.

Sun Sep 18 19:00:15 2005 GMT: More WRT54G Firmware Hacking

I have continued my work on my WRT54G firmware by implementing and integrating an XName DNS update client. I have also upgraded dnsmasq to the latest version and have added a configuration option so you can choose between busybox's udhcpd and dnsmasq as the DHCP server.

Wed Sep 14 18:33:42 2005 GMT: SSH Brute Force Attack

Today, someone apparently tried to break into by using a ssh brute force attack (from IP address which appears to be some ISDN dialup connection). Well, there is not much to say about this attempted attack except that the client seems to be have been built with libssh...

Sun Sep 11 21:07:59 2005 GMT: WRT54G Fimware Hacking

I have recently been hacking a bit on my WRT54G firmware, mainly to just update the included software, but I have also added a small uptimes client. You can have a look at the router statistics here.

Thu Sep 01 20:26:08 2005 GMT: jabberd2 64-bit brokenness

Wed Aug 24 22:50:57 2005 GMT: Where is all the RAM?

Wed Aug 24 19:57:14 2005 GMT: Google Talk

Sat Aug 13 18:38:40 2005 GMT: Upgrading to Hoary Hedgehog

Tue Aug 09 18:16:19 2005 GMT: One More Reason to Ignore Google

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Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:19:55 2018
Christof Meerwald <>