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Sat Jul 12 09:51:21 2008 GMT: Holiday Photos

Wed Jul 09 17:21:59 2008 GMT: Google Privacy Concerns

Sun Jun 22 08:49:41 2008 GMT: Scripting XDrive

I am currently trying to put together a scriptable XDrive client in Python - mainly to use it as backup space. Stay tuned...

Sun Jun 22 08:43:08 2008 GMT: Opera 9.5

I just realised that Opera 9.5 is actually quite nice - even when compared with Firefox 3. It appears to consume slightly less memory on my machine and feels a bit snappier (although that could be caused by different default browser settings - Firefox 3 might be running with more eye candy in its default configuration).

Sun Jun 15 07:20:34 2008 GMT: NewsCache 1.3.ipv6 Released

As it doesn't appear that there will be an "official" NewsCache release anytime soon, I have decided to package my IPv6 enhancements and release it as 1.3.ipv6 - a Ubuntu Hardy Heron package is available from my .deb packages page.

Sun May 25 10:45:56 2008 GMT: Updated to Hardy Heron

I have just updated to Ubuntu Hardy Heron. The update was quite painless, except for the subversion repositories which appears to require a full svnadmin dump/load.

Note that I have also updated some of the Debian/Ubuntu packages I use on my Debian packages page for Hardy Heron: jabberoo, pdns-recursor and pyxpcom.

Sat May 17 12:57:38 2008 GMT: greylstd 0.3

With the release of greylstd 0.3, I have also managed to get the project listed on freshmeat. This release greatly improves the whitelist configuration by allowing to specify arbitrary subnets (which is achieved by providing a SQLite extension module for efficient handling of IP addresses/subnets).

Sun May 11 20:46:36 2008 GMT: Salzburg and Avebury Pictures

Sat Apr 26 17:14:04 2008 GMT: Ubuntu Hardy Heron

Thu Apr 17 17:50:15 2008 GMT: How 1and1 broke my e-mail

Sun Apr 13 16:10:56 2008 GMT: Lydiard Park, Canon PowerShot SX100 IS

Sat Apr 12 13:21:27 2008 GMT: IPv6 Support for NewsCache

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Revision: 1.14,
Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:19:55 2018
Christof Meerwald <>