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Sun Aug 24 13:31:10 2008 GMT: Twinkle 1.3.1 and slrn 0.9.9 Ubuntu packages

Sun Aug 17 12:22:34 2008 GMT: Online Storage

Thu Aug 07 19:04:35 2008 GMT: 1.9 Million DVDs

Just received my copy of Cisco's Internet Protocol Journal (Volume 11, Number 2) and I am a bit confused by Vint Cerf's logic in "A Decade of Internet Evolution": he claims that the aggragate bandwidth for shipping 1.9 million DVDs (with 4.7 GB each) per day (assuming a 3-day delivery time) would be about 275 Gbps.

What I don't understand is why the delivery time would be relevant when you ship 1.9 million DVDs each day. Either you only base your calculation on 1.9 million DVDs per day -- or you take the delivery time into account, but then you also have to take into account that at any one time three times the number of DVDs are in transit. In any case, the aggregate bandwidth would be 827 Gbps. If your bandwidth was only be 275 Gbps, you would only be able to ship 1.9 million DVDs every three days.

Fri Jul 25 21:38:45 2008 GMT: AOL Sunsetting XDrive

Damn, just as I am putting finishing touches on my Python XDrive API, AOL is planning to sunset XDrive.

Sat Jul 12 09:51:21 2008 GMT: Holiday Photos

I have just added photos from my recent holiday in Scotland (Perth, Aviemore, Inverness and Edinburgh) to my digital photo album, see Perth, Inverness, Aviemore, Part 1, Aviemore, Part 2, Aviemore, Part 3, Edinburgh, Part 1 and Edinburgh, Part 2.

Wed Jul 09 17:21:59 2008 GMT: Google Privacy Concerns

Now this is a good one: Datenschützer prüfen Google Analytics - and I almost feared that I am the only one concerned by these practices. And this comes just days after Google had to hand over Youtube users' data to Viacom.

Of course, the easy way to avoid all of these concerns is to not store any sensitive data in the first place. But that solution looks to easy...

Sun Jun 22 08:49:41 2008 GMT: Scripting XDrive

I am currently trying to put together a scriptable XDrive client in Python - mainly to use it as backup space. Stay tuned...

Sun Jun 22 08:43:08 2008 GMT: Opera 9.5

Sun Jun 15 07:20:34 2008 GMT: NewsCache 1.3.ipv6 Released

Sun May 25 10:45:56 2008 GMT: Updated to Hardy Heron

Sat May 17 12:57:38 2008 GMT: greylstd 0.3

Sun May 11 20:46:36 2008 GMT: Salzburg and Avebury Pictures

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Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:19:55 2018
Christof Meerwald <>