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Tue Dec 01 18:38:13 2009 GMT: Opera IPv6 Bug Reported

Mon Nov 30 20:51:55 2009 GMT: No IPv6 in Opera 10.10

Sun Nov 29 20:22:24 2009 GMT: Linux KVM

I am just playing around with Linux KVM, trying to install/run a couple of other operating systems like NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenSolaris and Haiku.

Unfortunately, not all of these systems run as seamless as I had hoped. Well, Haiku seems to run fine, but NetBSD 5.0.1 (for AMD64) doesn't recognise any of the emulated network adapters, FreeBSD 8.0 (for AMD64) doesn't think the CPU supports 64-bit mode and OpenSolaris runs very slowly. FreeBSD 8.0 (for i386) appears to run fine, although the installation could really do with some better error handling when installing from the Internet (it doesn't really tell you what's wrong and doesn't let you fix it easily).

Sun Nov 22 17:19:03 2009 GMT: Test-driving the Ferrari

After using my new Ferrari One laptop for a week, it looks like there a still a few issues with the Linux kernel drivers, both for wired and wireless network connectivity.

The wired network driver problem appears to be the more obvious one as there is a kernel bug with the atl1c driver that's supposed to be fixed in the next kernel release.

But for my wireless network (ath9k driver), I haven't been able to track it down to a single bug report as lots of stability issues appear to have been reported in bugzilla for that driver.

Sun Nov 15 19:37:11 2009 GMT: Koala Driving a Ferrari

I have finally decided to replace my aging Sony Vaio PCG-SRX51P with a more modern Acer Ferrari One. I obviously didn't buy it for the Ferrari branding, but because it packs some important technical features like dual-core CPU, 64-bit support and hardware-assisted virtualisation into a lightweight laptop at an affordable price.

Of course, one of the first things to do is to install a proper operating system, i.e. Ubuntu karmic koala - which was a bit tricky because the machine doesn't come with a CD/DVD drive, so I decided to boot the installer from a USB flash drive and install from the Internet. Unfortunately, the installer doesn't include the ath9k driver for the wireless card, so I had to manually copy the drivers over and load them. But even with those drivers, there still appears to be a problem when trying to use an ad-hoc wireless network (which is my only option at the moment as I don't have any Ethernet switch or even cable handy). In the end I got the wireless ad-hoc network connection working to some extent to at least install the base system, but there are still a few rough edges...

Sat Nov 07 12:33:04 2009 GMT: Domain Transferred to Gandi

I have now transferred my domain to Gandi - it's quite interesting that you have to wait at least 5 days for the transfer to complete.

BTW, hosting of my web site was also transferred to a new server last weekend (actually, it was transferred twice because my hoster had initially moved me to a server without Python 2.5, so it had to be moved again).

Mon Oct 26 21:35:34 2009 GMT: Upcoming Exim 4.70 release

After Exim development went quiet for some time, there are finally signs of a major Exim release on the horizon. Personally, I have been running Exim snapshots with DKIM support for some time now and I have just updated my Ubuntu hardy heron packages on my .deb packages page.

Sun Sep 27 16:52:15 2009 GMT: Salisbury Cathedral

Sun Sep 20 07:53:22 2009 GMT: Lake District Holiday

Sun Aug 30 18:56:00 2009 GMT: reddit threads community

Sun Aug 30 18:49:44 2009 GMT: Skypephone S2

Wed Aug 12 19:47:14 2009 GMT: 3 Mobile Internet

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Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:19:55 2018
Christof Meerwald <>