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Sat Nov 24 00:00:33 2012 GMT: James Bond 50th Anniversary Gala @ Royal Festival Hall

Wed Nov 21 22:13:25 2012 GMT: Raspberry Pi

Sat Nov 17 23:40:33 2012 GMT: Concerto / Las Hermanas / Requiem @ Royal Opera House

I have just been to a performance of Concerto / Las Hermanas / Requiem at the Royal Opera House.

Wed Nov 07 19:12:20 2012 GMT: Linux USB Kernel Bug (Freeze)

Since upgrading to Ubuntu 12.10, I have seen Linux kernel freezes when using a USB headset connected via a USB 2.0 hub. Unfortunately, I don't really have the setup to do much kernel debugging here, but I have been able to cut the problem down to a fairly simple self-contained user-space test case. Luckily, Alan Stern has been able to reproduce the problem and debug it, so it hopefully will soon be fixed properly.

Sat Nov 03 22:47:14 2012 GMT: Viscera / Infra / Fool's Paradise @ Royal Opera House

I have just been to a performance of Viscera / Infra / Fool's Paradise at the Royal Opera House. It was a mixed programme and so the results were also mixed: Infra was quite nice, but I wasn't too impressed by Viscera.

Mon Oct 22 11:42:33 2012 GMT: Notes from the Portland C++ Meeting

Attendance has once again risen to almost 80, despite to cold and rainy weather in Portland.

On the technical side, PL22.16 recommends for the Library TR1 (ISO/IEC TR 19768:2007, Extensions to the C++ Library) to be withdrawn and ISO/IEC TR 18015:2006, Technical Report on C++ Performance to be confirmed (although it would be nice to get it updated for C++11). For the C++ standard itself, the plan is to ship a TC+ (technical corrigendum plus a few minor new features) by 2014 and a major revision in 2017. And to get more work done in parallel, a few more study groups have been created: numerics, reflection, concecpts, ranges, feature-test macros and possibly database interface.

From a core language perspective, the first new feature A Proposal to Tweak Certain C++ Contextual Conversions, v3 has been voted into the working paper - all other changes since C++11 have been classified as bug-fixes. Classification of CWG issue 903 as a bug-fix is seen as somewhat controversial as the resolution is going to break code that has so far been valid C++11 code.

The Evolution Working Group is concentrating on smaller issues and features like generic (polymorphic) lambdas (which is supposed to be handed over to the Core Working Group at the next meeting) and return type deduction for functions.

Both the Filesystem Study Group and he Transactional Memory Study Group are aiming to have a Technical Specification ready at the next meeting. The Modules Study Group has mainly tried to define the scope (dynamic libraries, plugins, killing pre-processor not in scope), but hasn't looked at any concrete proposals yet. The Networking Study Group looked at A URI Library for C++ and C++ Internet Protocol and Socket Address Classes, as well as an overview of a boost asio subset for C++11.

BTW, the next meeting will be in Bristol, UK from 15th to 20th April 2013.

Sun Oct 14 01:43:58 2012 GMT: San Francisco

Just added some pictures from San Francisco to my digital photo album: part 1, part 2 and part 3.

Wed Oct 03 21:43:48 2012 GMT: War and Peace @ Royal Festival Hall

Mon Oct 01 22:32:06 2012 GMT: Götterdämmerung @ Royal Opera House

Sat Sep 29 22:45:22 2012 GMT: Siegfried @ Royal Opera House

Wed Sep 26 21:52:12 2012 GMT: Die Walküre @ Royal Opera House

Mon Sep 24 22:16:04 2012 GMT: Das Rheingold ~ Royal Opera House

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Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:19:55 2018
Christof Meerwald <>