Christof Meerwald@freeorbwatch.prog

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>>> 2003

This page contains some news and announcements from free CORBA-implementations. The announcements aren't written by me, I just try to collect relevant information here.

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News Archive for 2003

14 Jan 2003: Looking back at 2002

Summing up what has happened in 2002: IONA has toughened their licensing terms for ORBacus; AT&T Laboratories Cambridge has closed in April (Duncan Grisby is now the only one working part-time on omniORB); Exolab has discontinued most of its OpenORB involvement; JacORB has considerably slowed down; a complete rewrite of ORBit: ORBit2
[ see ]

15 Jan 2003: ACE+TAO 5.3+1.3 released

The SHMIOP transport is more robust in cases when the remote peer exits; fixed race conditions that showed up only when debugging was enabled in the ORB; fixed some of the race conditions identified in the Notification_Service; fixed interoperability problems with MIOP; fixed some of the problems that showed up while processing a chain of included IDL files.
[ see ]

23 Jan 2003: MICO 2.3.8

This is a bugfix only release. Hopefully this will be the last release done from standard MICO CVS sources (single-threaded sources).
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13 Feb 2003: MICO 2.3.9

This release is a long awaited merge of some MICO forks into standard MICO, in particular the MICOSec and MICO/MT projects. Both existed separately for nearly 4 years.
[ see ]

13 Feb 2003: MICO Commercial Support

ObjectSecurity provides commercial support for MICO (including MICOSec Security Services and MICO/MT).
[ see ]

17 Feb 2003: Ice

ZeroC has released their Internet Communications Engine (Ice). Essentially, it is much like CORBA with some of the more esoteric features left out (but some other buzzword features like XML added).
[ see ]

14 Mar 2003: omniORB 4.0.1

Highlights of the new features: per object reference and per-thread timeouts; complete interceptors; support for new platforms; small performance improvements.
[ see ]

17 May 2003: OpenORB 1.3.1

The major changes over the 1.3.0 release include: handle fragment messages correctly; handle byte order marker problems with wstring; ake corbaloc work with "," and "/" again; use JSSE 1.0.3_01 in SSL module.
[ see ]

25 May 2003: MICO 2.3.10

This is mainly a bugfix release, because a lot of problems since the last version has been fixed.
[ see ]

18 Jun 2003: OCI's TAO 1.3a

OCI's TAO 1.3a release is based on the DOC group's TAO 1.3.1 beta kit. TAO 1.3a includes many new features and improvements over the previous commercially supported (TAO 1.2a) release and has been extensively tested across a wide variety of platforms to increase availability and stability.
[ see ]

26 Jul 2003: Fnorb 1.3

Fnorb is a pure-Python CORBA implementation. This release adds support for CORBA 2.1 and its type extensions, and for corbaloc/corbaname object references. It also adds a pure-python preprocessor and a test suite.
[ see ]

07 Aug 2003: omniORB 4.0.2

This is mainly a bug fix release. Highlights of the new release include: bug fixes; use of standard iostreams in omniNames etc., if available; performance improvements.
[ see ]

01 Sep 2003: JacORB 2.0 beta 1

This release boasts a number of genuinely new features, such as AMI, ETF, a Notification Service implementation, plus enhanced value type support, the usual host of bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.
[ see ]

11 Sep 2003: JacORB 2.0 beta 2

This release contains bug fixes only, there is no new functionality.
[ see ]

12 Oct 2003: MICO 2.3.11

This is mainly a bugfix release. There are also some new features from which the most important are:: shared libraries support on Cygwin platform; much improved shared libraries support on Win32 platform; support for new local interface mapping; some performance improvements.
[ see ]

23 Oct 2003: OpenCCM 0.8

100% Java based for portability across platforms; working on the following CORBA products: Borland Enterprise Server (BES) 5.0.2 and 5.2, JacORB 2.0, ORBacus 4.1, The Community OpenORB 1.3.x and 1.4.0.
[ see ]

29 Oct 2003: JacORB 2.0 beta 3

In addition to a number of important bug fixes in many areas, the main improvements include more work on ETF, more flexible use of logging mechanisms, and dependency checks in the IDL compiler to avoid unneccessary generation and compilation of mapped Java code.
[ see ]

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Revision: 1.21,
Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:20:51 2018
Christof Meerwald <>