Christof Meerwald@freeorbwatch.prog

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>>> 2005

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This page contains some news and announcements from free CORBA-implementations. The announcements aren't written by me, I just try to collect relevant information here.

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News Archive for 2005

18 Jan 2005: omniORB 4.1 testing

After a very long time of slow development, the omniORB 4.1 branch is finally in a state that it's stable and usable. What's new: Complete support for objects by value (apart from custom valuetypes); Abstract interfaces support; New simpler and more efficient C++ Any implementation; valuetypes and abstract interfaces inside Anys and DynAnys; New SocketCollection implementation that uses poll() where available.
[ see http://omniorb.sourceforge.net ]

15 Apr 2005: omniORB 4.0.6 and omniORBpy 2.6

These are mainly bugfix releases, with small new features.
[ see http://omniorb.sourceforge.net ]

31 May 2005: JacORB 2.2.2

The new 2.2.2 release is a bug fix release only and does not add new functionality.
[ see http://www.jacorb.org ]

26 Jul 2005: First release candidate of MICO 2.3.12

First release candidate of MICO 2.3.12 is available for testing.
[ see http://www.mico.org ]

26 Jul 2005: Community OpenORB 1.4.0 BETA2

After nearly 8 months of testing and bug-fixing, the OpenORB community is proud to release the second beta of "The Community OpenORB" product suite version 1.4.
[ see http://openorb.sourceforge.net ]

28 Aug 2005: omniEvents 2.6.2

This release brings major improvements to libomniEvents - the shared library version of omniEvents. There is a new example program (channel.cc) that illustrates how to use libomniEvents to build an EventChannel inside your own program.
[ see http://www.omnievents.org ]

27 Sep 2005: The OrbZone

A few days ago The OrbZone, a CORBA community portal (sponsored by IONA Technologies) has been launched.
[ see http://www.orbzone.org ]

15 Nov 2005: ICE 3.0

ZeroC, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of the Internet Communications Engine (Ice), version 3.0.0. The most significant change since version 2.1.2 is the addition of IceGrid, a replacement for the IcePack activation service that revolutionizes the way you build and deploy your Ice applications. With support for replication, load balancing, and application distribution, IceGrid provides the tools you need to create scalable grid applications and manage them remotely.
[ see http://www.zeroc.com/ice.html ]


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Revision: 1.21, cmeerw.org/freeorbwatch/archive/2005.html
Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:20:51 2018
Christof Meerwald <cmeerw@cmeerw.org>
XMPP: cmeerw@cmeerw.org