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Mon Dec 06 21:52:30 2004 GMT: Using NFS On Lycos VDS

Wed Dec 01 19:57:46 2004 GMT: Internet Explorer Loosing Browser War

Sat Nov 27 23:14:09 2004 GMT: Drupal 4.5.0

I have upgraded the Drupal installation for my DevCorner to 4.5.0 and also switched to another default template.

Wed Nov 24 21:07:45 2004 GMT: Lycos VDS

Lycos Deutschland seems to have released their VDS product now that all stability issues appear to be fixed.

It's definitely an interesting product, but I don't think it's really well suited for Web hosting - the bandwidth limitation is too much of a burden for a reasonable Web site. I would rather characterise the smallest package as an advanced shell account.

Wed Nov 24 20:40:44 2004 GMT: Vacation in Malta

I have just returned from a 2-week vacation in Malta and hope to have some pictures on my Web site in the next few days.

Thu Nov 04 21:16:29 2004 GMT: Lycos VDS Stability

Lycos VDS staff claim that they have finally fixed the stale NFS file handle problems which made a manual reboot of the VDS server neccessary every few hours for the past few weeks.

Tue Nov 02 19:09:06 2004 GMT: Nasty JabRSS Bug Fixed

I have just fixed a really nasty JabRSS bug which caused messages from JabRSS to mysteriously disappear. It turned out that one RSS feed contained a '\0'-character that was interpreted as an end-of-string marker when sending the XML to the Jabber server. This left an XML tag open in the XML stream and therefore the following messages disappeared.

Although the resulting XML stream was still well-formed, the Jabber server could not process the messages because of an unclosed tag.

Sat Oct 30 15:41:56 2004 GMT: Updated jabberd on cmeerw.org

Tue Oct 26 14:42:47 2004 GMT: Lycos VDS: Stale NFS File Handles

Tue Oct 26 12:51:07 2004 GMT: Jabberd 2.0s4 Base64 Decoding Bug

Sun Oct 24 17:10:04 2004 GMT: Jabberd 2.0s4

Sun Oct 24 17:07:02 2004 GMT: Subversion 1.1.1 and Apache 2.0.52


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Revision: 1.14, cmeerw.org/blog/372.html
Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:19:55 2018
Christof Meerwald <cmeerw@cmeerw.org>
XMPP: cmeerw@cmeerw.org