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Sat Apr 12 13:21:27 2008 GMT: IPv6 Support for NewsCache

Thu Apr 03 19:01:41 2008 GMT: IPv6 Glue Record for

Tue Mar 25 21:46:24 2008 GMT: SIPFwd 0.4

I released SIPFwd 0.4 over the weekend and managed to get the project listed on to give it a bit more visibility.

Sat Mar 08 18:22:15 2008 GMT: Secure SMTP over TLS

Just an observation: why hasn't secure SMTP over TLS been adopted more widely, particulary among big mail hosters like Hotmail, Yahoo, Google Mail, GMX or AOL? It has been specified in 1999 (in RFC 2487 and is well-supported by popular SMTP implementations like Postfix and Exim.

Is it because the SSL overhead would be causing too much of a performance problem? But then, most of the mentioned mail hosters happily provide SSL-encrpyted POP or IMAP access. Maybe it's because it's a feature that's not immediately visible to the end-user (as opposed to encrypted IMAP access) and therefore the hosters just don't care.

Sun Mar 02 17:02:11 2008 GMT: Django Hosting

I now got a Web hosting package from SYSPROVIDE which allows to run FastCGI servers and has Python installed. I have already confirmed that Django is indeed supported, so expect to see some Django stuff soon...

Sun Feb 24 20:40:24 2008 GMT: Django

I have had a look at Django which looks really nice. Being able to use the full power of Python definitely is an advantage when you compare it with PHP based frameworks. But the downside of this is that it's much more difficult to find a web hoster for Django based projects (as you not only need Python, but also FastCGI or mod_python support).

Sun Feb 17 15:49:49 2008 GMT: Wt

An article in Dr. Dobb's drew my attention to Wt, a C++ Web toolkit. This really looks impressive: it essentially hides all the details of web development (incl. AJAX, JavaScript and DHTML) behind a nice C++ widget library.

Fri Feb 08 22:37:10 2008 GMT: Alcatel-Lucent Reports Loss

Mon Feb 04 19:34:55 2008 GMT: Yahoo!

Mon Jan 21 21:23:32 2008 GMT: Tiscali Blocking Port 119

Thu Jan 17 21:28:42 2008 GMT: Sun to Acquire MySQL

Thu Dec 27 21:47:03 2007 GMT: Trennen sich Alcatel und Lucent wieder?

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Revision: 1.14,
Last modified: Mon Sep 03 18:19:55 2018
Christof Meerwald <>